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IDEAS Office, Ha. Kelaa, Rep. of Maldives

+960 7890384

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3rd ORP HA Turtle Expedition

Olive Ridley Project's sea turtle expedition team wrapped up a successful 3rd expedition to Haa Alif atoll, the northern most atoll of the Maldives. 

During this 3 week expedition, the team conducted in-water surveys at 28 sites. 

Though there was some rough weather towards the end of the expedition, the team managed to add more into the turtle database! 

The role of IDEAS for Olive Ridley Project's Turtle Expeditions in the North is to host the team and provide any logistical support while they are doing turtle conservation work in the North. For this expedition, we did an island tour, a presentation on the work of IDEAS, hosted a beach clean up in association with Parley Maldives, and also got the chance to join the ORP team on the boat for a few turtle surveys!

Ha. Kelaa, Maldives
Project Type:
Logistical Support
Olive Ridley Project
July 2019

Project Outcomes

28 In-Water Surveys

In water surveys are conducted with snorkelers as one hour surveys at a time while recording turtle and other mega fauna sightings.

144 Turtle Sightings

Most of the encounters are hawksbill turtles, but the ORP team is finding more green sea turtles as they explore the atoll.

74 Individual Turtles

After the 4th expedition in this region, ORP has recorded 550+ turtle sightings, adding 200 new individual turtles into the sea turtle database.