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Contact Info

IDEAS Office, Ha. Kelaa, Rep. of Maldives

+960 7890384

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BML Community Park


  • Create awareness about importance of open green spaces for a healthy community.
  • Showcase the importance of community open spaces within the community and encourage to include more open green spaces in island planning.

The project will ensure that there will be a pleasant waiting area at the school with sufficient shelter from the sun and rain. It will also make the area aesthetically pleasing and will improve the landscaping of the island.

Currently, there are few open spaces within the community area. We hope that this space will create awareness about the importance of community parks and green spaces for communities, and serve as a prototype project for open spaces within the community. This project can be easily replicated in in many islands, and IDEAS is open to collaborating and sharing resources with other NGOs wanting to replicate a similar space tailored to their island.

Ha. Kelaa, Maldives
Project Type:
Bank of Maldives
September 2020

Project Outcomes

Green Space

A functional community green space will give respite from the elements while waiting in the area, and will provide a beautiful space for socializing and building community.

Bicycle Parking

A functional parking space for bicycles near the school will encourage more students to keep using bicycles as their mode of transportation - more sustainable and a healthier life choice!

Room to Expand

We hope to use this project as a prototype for creating more community spaces around the island - and that this project can serve as an understanding that green spaces are necessary.

Conceptual Drawings

The Need

The waiting area (park) for the parents outside Sheikh Ibrahim School in Ha. Kelaa was in dire need of renovation. IDEAS sought to address the lack of existing shelter and mobilize funds and resources necessary to renovate the area.

It was also in our interest to tackle the lack of designated bicycle parking area near the school. The majority of students commute to school on bicycles, and we saw it important to encourage students to keep using bicycles as it will help to minimize the air pollution and carbon footprint, while being a source of good exercise for them to stay healthy.

Project Progress

Detailed Drawings and Costing
Material Procurement and Delivery
Construction and Landscaping